TWU airport claim

Airports sit at the top of aviation supply chain and exercise a great deal of direct and indirect influence and control over the entire industry. They have an obligation to ensure decent labour standards and conditions. That’s why workers around Australia are standing together and fighting for fair standards for all aviation workers. This means:


Safe Supply Chains

  • Airport corporations are responsible for this crisis and must act to stop the race to the bottom in the aviation industry


Same Job Same Pay

  • All aviation workers who do the same job should job should receive the same pay and conditions
  • Tendering for work and airport contracts should not undermine aviation workers’ wages and conditions
  • The race to the bottom must stop


Secure Jobs 

All aviation workers should have access to:

  • Regular hours
  • Permanent jobs
  • Maximum opportunity to full-time jobs


Safe Jobs

All aviation workers should:

  • Be represented by democratically elected Health & Safety Representatives
  • Receive proper training in order to ensure they can safely perform their duties and return home from work each day injury free
  • Have a collective voice and be treated with respect

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Transport workers are fighting for a fairer, safer industry. Join them today and secure your future.

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