July 27, 2023

Virgin workers serve claim on airline owners Bain Capital

Recently Virgin workers called on Bain Capital, the owners of the airline, to sign up to 5 commitments ahead of the upcoming public float of the airline.

With ground crew and cabin crew currently in bargaining, and pilots to begin in the coming months, this is our chance to show Bain that it needs to act on its commitments made during administration.

After years of loyalty and dedication through the pandemic, Bain must prioritise and reward workers for their sacrifices.

We’ve written to Bain Capital, as well as other shareholders Queensland Investment Corp and the Virgin Group, to commit to:

Watch the news coverage from the claim on Bain Capital.

Click here for other media coverage of our claim launch.

Workers have made it clear that Bain Capital must act on the commitments it made to workers who brought the airline back to profit.

It’s time for Bain to come to the table and commit to respect for workers and repay the sacrifices they made.

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