March 20, 2020

Qantas workers bear the brunt of covid-19

Qantas is forcing its workers to bail it out in a sickening move during an unprecedented crisis. Instead of dipping into its own reserves or using the millions the Federal Government has extended to the airline, Qantas is standing workers down and forcing them to use up leave entitlements, accrued benefits and even future leave.

We all know what this means: when the airline bounces back, without worker entitlements on its books its shares will go through the roof and executives will get massive bonuses.

We won’t stand for this. Sign the petition below to call on Qantas and the Federal Government to stop shifting the burden for the crisis onto Qantas workers.

Sign here to stop Qantas workers carrying the burden of this crisis

Sign the petition

The Federal Government must do more

Waiving fees is not enough, and Qantas has shown that it can’t be trusted to pass government financial assistance on to workers. We’ve partnered with the ASU and aviation companies to demand the Prime Minister does more to protect the aviation industry and keep people in paid jobs, such as:

  • Allowing workers on unpaid leave to receive the Newstart allowance with a top up to average weekly wages from the Government
  • Relief on payroll tax
  • Loans to aviation companies
  • State guarantee for aviation companies

Click here for the letter.


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