October 28, 2021

Workers win on job security

Six major road transport companies (Linfox, BevChain, Toll, Global Express, Ceva and ACFS) have now come to decent settlements with workers.

That’s because these workers have stood up as a collective and fought hard for their job security.

Congrats to all of you who participated in this 2021 industry fight, whether that was going out on strike, voting in a PAB, or even just being part of your union. Together we are stronger.

These agreements lock in key job security provisions, as well as fair pay and super increases, setting the stage for when we’re back at the bargaining table in 2023.

Now StarTrack and FedEx remain the outliers as they refuse to give fair offers. It’s time for them to treat workers with the respect they deserve. But the buck doesn’t stop with them: the Federal Government MUST regulate this industry to halt the race to the bottom in safety and standards.

Stand with workers in their fight by sending Scott Morrison a message about why he needs to clean up the industry by implementing the Senate recommendations:

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