December 13, 2019


December 13, 2019

Jetstar baggage handlers and ramp workers will take protected industrial action again on Thursday December 19 after the airline continued to refuse to negotiate on workers’ modest demands.

Workers are continuing to take strike action today with a second series of work stoppages happening this evening across the country after Jetstar rejected claims for more rest breaks, a guaranteed 12-hour break between shifts, guaranteed 30 hours a week and annual wage increases of 4%.

All branches of the TWU have written to Jetstar urging the company to expand investigations into safety at all airports after Safe Work NSW issued a notice over the risk to workers of “serious injury”.

“Again we apologise to the travelling public for the disruption and we want to emphasis that this is the only course that Jetstar has left workers to take. Jetstar workers are on forced part-time hours and poverty wages. They struggle to support their families and regularly can’t pay their bills. They took an 18-month pay freeze when the Qantas Group was in difficulties and they want the company to come to the table to discuss how it can lift standards. Twice we have written to Jetstar this week asking them to discuss our demands and we have had no response on this,” said TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine.

“We are also appalled that Jetstar has failed to adequately address the serious concerns the NSW safety regulator has with the airline. Malfunctioning equipment and deliberate understaffing are putting workers at serious risk of injury and all the company can do is deny it. We are demanding that Jetstar comply with all workplace, health and safety requirements and review its operations across the country to assess the risk to workers. There is simply too much at stake here: when workers are at risk, so are passengers,” Kaine added.


The times for strikes this evening December 13 are:

Sydney: 5.30pm-7.30pm Judith Crosbie 0432552895

Melbourne: 4pm-6pm Nellie Metcalfe 0475055414

Avalon: 6.30pm-8.30pm Nellie Metcalfe 0475055414

Brisbane: 6pm-8pm Tom Millroy 0411875910

Adelaide: 6pm-8pm Josh Boughey 0439064572

Cairns: 1.30pm-3.3.0pm Russell Viertz 0419413586


The times for strikes on Thursday 19th December are:

Sydney: 10am-12pm; 5.30pm-6.30pm; and 6.30pm-7.30pm.

Melbourne: 9.30am-11.30am; 4pm-5pm; and 5pm-6pm

Brisbane: 6am-8am; 6pm-7pm; and 7pm-8pm.

Adelaide: 6am-8am; 6pm-7pm; and 7pm-8pm.

Cairns: 5.30am-7.30am; 1.30pm-2.30pm; and 2.30pm-3.30pm

Avalon: 8am-10am; 6.30pm-7.30pm, and 7.30pm-8.30pm.

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