April 30, 2021


Virgin cabin crew have overwhelmingly voted up an enterprise agreement, with 89% passing the deal by a margin of 84%.

The vote follows five agreements approved by Virgin workers last year, with the airline yet to finalise a deal with its pilots.

TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine welcomed the Yes vote and commended Virgin workers on the effort they have put in to building the airline back up.

“Cabin crew have stood together over many months and worked hard to get an agreement they could support which maintains the standards on service and safety that passengers have come to expect from Virgin. These standards, which include fair rates of pay and enforcement of provisions to ensure crew are rested and not fatigued, will ultimately help ensure Virgin’s future,” he said.

“Virgin workers are to be commended for the tireless work they have put in to getting the airline back on its feet. They held Virgin’s new owners to account over promises made to keep a full service airline with regional and international arms. They will continue to hold them to account over commitments to getting Virgin back to its position as Australia’s strong second airline.

“Virgin has yet to conclude its enterprise agreements with its pilots. We urge Virgin to finalise this process and to give pilots the certainty they require about their futures.

“Virgin’s future is far from certain with the pandemic continuing to play havoc with air travel and the disastrous vaccine rollout casting doubt on the resumption of normal travel into and around Australia. Our warning to the Federal Government is to start playing a greater role in the future of this vital industry. It must end the free public money bonanza for Qantas with no strings attached and it must develop a plan which will ensure affordable, reliable air travel and decent jobs.

“As Qantas uses public money to bolster its position and grow its share of the market, the public will ultimately lose out if a monopoly or near-monopoly situation is allowed to occur,” he said.

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