June 4, 2018


The case has been deferred for three months pending the talks, which will begin next week.

TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon welcomed the talks and said the union was looking forward to them.


“We are happy to sit down with Aldi and discuss our concerns. We are hopeful of a fruitful outcome that will benefit drivers and the broader community. We all have a part to play in ensuring a sustainable, safe transport industry. Other major retailers have come on board and are working with us to achieve that end. We would like to see Aldi join the drive for this important goal,” he said.


A major agreement between the TWU and retail giant Coles was signed during the union’s National Council in Adelaide last week. The agreement involved statements of principles to ensure safe and fair conditions for workers in the Coles supply chain and the on-demand economy. A separate charter has been signed previously with Woolworths.

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