June 6, 2022

Union-won payments and bonuses brought forward by Virgin

Member-led TWU teams have secured significant commitments from Virgin that the company will now be acting on.

Negotiating teams negotiated a profit-sharing scheme with Virgin in 2021, half of which will now be brought forward to December of this year. Your delegates have also fought hard for other recognition:

  • Half of the union-negotiated 6% profit share brought forward a year to December 2022

  • An additional reward payment of either 0.5% or $500, whichever is greater, next month

  • Pay rises for some workers brought forward
  • Cabin crew pay scales upgraded

These measures come after delegates and officials have spent weeks calling on the company to act to ease the financial strain on workers as inflation soars.

While there is still work to be done to improve pay and conditions for aviation workers, it is a testament to Virgin that those conversations happen respectfully at the table with workers, rather than callous executive decisions that slash pay and attack jobs.

We continue to call for a Safe and Secure Skies Commission that will raise standards and keep skilled aviation workers in jobs as aviation recovers.

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