Aviation workers are powerful together. Dnata Ground, Dnata Catering and Menzies’ members have won job security protections and pay increases in new enterprise agreements.
The aviation industry has been submerged in a crisis since the pandemic that has left a chronically understaffed workforce, affecting workers’ and passengers’ safety.
- Dnata Ground workers had approved their a protected action which led them to settle with an agreement with the company locking in job security provisions and 17% pay increases over four years. Workers achieved greater opportunities for part-timers to convert to full-time roles and casuals to permanent ones. The company has also agreed to improve consultation, giving workers a say over proposed changes before they’re decided.
- Dnata Catering workers who were denied JobKeeper under the Morrison government will receive between a 7.5% and 8% pay increase over two years, including backpay to January 2022 when flying had resumed and workers all returned from stand-down. Workers will also have greater opportunities to convert from labour-hire to full-time and have secured improvements to overtime payments that will help them keep up with the cost of living and remain in the industry.
- Menzies workers in Victoria and NSW, who had been preparing to move to a Protected Action Ballot to protect their jobs, have locked in a commitment from the company to insource all operations that are currently outsourced, and increase minimum part-time hours. Workers also locked in 11% pay increases by January 2023 including back pay
Workers also won enhanced consultation rights, giving them more of a say in workplace changes before they take place.
Congratulations to the members across the country for standing as one. This result was possible because of the unity and strength delegates and members have shown. Aviation workers deserve safe and secure jobs.