January 30, 2018


Mr Sheldon congratulated Opposition Leader Bill Shorten on committing to a National Integrity Commission in a speech to the National Press Club.


“Bill Shorten has led the way, now the onus is on Malcolm Turnbull to follow and to make a National Integrity Commission a bi-partisan commitment.”


Mr Sheldon said the current federal investigatory bodies needed to be coordinated under one well-resourced, transparent and independent body.


“It is vital for the health of our democracy that Australians have trust and faith in the processes of government.


“We can’t just take the ethics and propriety of politicians and civil servants for granted.


“That why Australia needs an integrity agency body with the power to investigate potential corruption and to hold people to account.”


The TWU has been pushing for the establishment for the establishment of a Federal integrity body for several years. This has included sponsoring resolutions on this issue at the:


•          2014 ACTU Conference;

•          2014 and 2016 NSW Labor Conference.

•          2015 ALP National Conference


For past media statements on this issue see:

•          Federal ICAC & Donation Reform

•          TWU Welcomes Trade Unions’ Resolution on National ICAC

•          A Federal Anti-Corruption Commission

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