August 8, 2017

Agreement In-Principle Reached at Toll

Meetings will be held at yards around the country seeking endorsement of the proposal.


The agreement preserves existing protections on working hours, penalty rates and dispute resolution clauses.  It will enhance superannuation payments to 14.75% over 3 years and boost pay by 7% to 2019. It will also include job security protections, casual permanent conversion and better utilisation of the existing workforce.


“Toll employees want an efficient, well-run company that is successful and can provide quality jobs. This agreement will set the ground work for this by ensuring an efficient and well-trained staff,” said TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon.


“Our member-led negotiating team pressed the case strenuously for an agreement that would provide protections and benefits for the company and staff into the future. After months of tough negotiations a breakthrough has come. Toll employees will now consider this agreement in meetings over the coming weeks,” Sheldon added.

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