February 28, 2018


Protesters are calling on Aldi to ensure that safety is prioritised and that the wealthy retailer ends it legal action to stop drivers from speaking out on safety.

The times and locations of the protests are:

ADELAIDE: Aldi Store, 400 Churchill Rd, Kilburn. 9am

PERTH: Aldi Store, Dog Swamp Shopping Centre, Waneroo Road. 10am

SYDNEY: Aldi Distribution Centre. Meet at 68 Sargents Rd, Minchinbury. 10.30am

MELBOURNE: Aldi Store, Franklin Street. 11am

BRISBANE: Aldi Store, Tingalpa, Wynnum Road. 11.30am

“Truck drivers have told us that they are pushed to work long hours to meet Aldi’s unrealistic deadlines. We are monitoring transport operators which deliver Aldi’s goods and do not maintain their trucks and do not pay their drivers properly. These issues are creating safety risks which are putting lives in danger.  At the heart of this problem is Aldi’s low cost contracts that mean corners are being cut with safety. Aldi is refusing to accept this and is trying to shut down the truth,” said TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon.

Aldi last August began a Federal Court case attacking the right of drivers to speak out and protest about safety in its supply chain. This case continues before the court. Hundreds of truck drivers across Australia have held several co-ordinated protests against Aldi.

“The Federal Government let wealthy retailers off the hook when it shut down an independent road safety watchdog scrutinising them. But drivers will not allow the likes of Aldi get away with it. They will continue to protest despite Aldi’s attacks because it is their lives and the lives of people they share the roads with that are being put at risk,” said Sheldon.

The number of people killed in truck crashes is increasing. In NSW there has been a 92% increase in deaths from articulated truck crashes, according to data from Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics.  The job for drivers is also getting more dangerous. Safe Work Australia data for 2017 showed almost 40% of all workplace deaths involved a transport worker.

Media Contact: Judith Crosbie 0432552895

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