April 9, 2018

Cash in Transit Road Crew Seeking Answers on Safety

The Road Crew members were not injured but are recovering from the incident.


Also, NSW Police have, in the past week, made arrests in Forster of three men who are alleged to have been planning an armed hold up on a local cash in transit crew.


Today, the TWU has become aware that Road Crew employed by Armaguard have held meetings that started early this morning and are continuing. Members are seeking answers from their management about safety on the job.


Armaguard hold contracts for cash deliveries with three of the “big four” banks, the Commonwealth, ANZ and NAB as well as contracts with major supermarkets and other retailers.


State Secretary of the TWU, Richard Olsen, said “members are telling us that they are not convinced that Armaguard management have paid enough attention to managing the support of road crew and the community’s safety in light of the recent armed robbery that occurred.”


“Tensions are high and these workers are challenging the company to demonstrate how they will continue to properly ensure that members working in a high-risk industry will get home safely at the end of a shift,” Richard Olsen said.


The TWU is seeking for its members that accountability be transparent by Armaguard when it comes to preventing harm being inflicted on an innocent member of the community, in other words, someone doing their job.

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